If you are reading this blog, it would mean that you have safely transitioned into the year 2023 in sound mind and I pray in good health. It’s not uncommon for God to give individuals and the corporate Body of Christ as a church a Word at the beginning of every New Year as the turn of the year symbolizes our entry into a new season.
This is the time when resolutions are plentiful as many persons do their goal-setting and reach out to God to manifest their wishes and dreams. Nothing is wrong with this approach but a more fruitful and profitable approach would be for us to ask God to reveal to us what His plans are for us as opposed to trying to convince Him of what our plans are. Furthermore, before we approach God with our requests, prayers, plans and I dare say our opinions, we ought to ensure that we are prepared to align our lives (our thoughts, words, deeds) in obedience to God’s will.
God has revealed the manifesto of His will through the Scriptures and through the residency of the Holy Spirit. If none of these things have any correlation or relationship to your life currently, I would suggest that you make that your first prayer point for this year. Relationship with God and submission to His Lordship is of utmost priority.
When we pray, we want to be assured that God is actually hearing our prayers. We must be in right standing with God or we can be found guilty of babbling in vain. Let’s examine the following scripture:
Proverbs 15:29
“The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous.”
When we hear the word ‘wicked’, we immediately think of someone who is vile, violent and devious in their ways. However, while the traits of such persons do fall under the umbrella of wickedness, they do not define it. The Christian Publishing House Blog gives us a succinct definition of who can be found among the wicked.
“Wicked: (Heb. rasha) is the unrighteous who are evil, being guilty of willfully and purposely violating the standards of God. In the Old Testament it refers to the one who refuses to acknowledge or obey God. In the book of Proverbs explicitly, it refers to the foolish one who ignores or refuses to follow the divine teachings of God. It is a state or condition of evil that focuses on the violating of God’s laws or standards.”
So, we see here that disobedience to God is by nature – wickedness. Disobedience produces a variety of different traits e.g., prideful, lovers of pleasure, murderous, stiff-necked, deceitful etc.….
Don’t focus simply on the severity you presume applies to a trait; focus rather on what produces that trait.
For the New Year, the 1st scripture God shared with me for this season was Hebrews 12:1-2:
“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
God wants us to lay aside every weight i.e., every personal hindrance that may prevent us from obeying and relating with Him and every person, career, business venture or habit that entangles us easily in sin. LAY IT ASIDE!
God promises to help us lay them aside if we surrender to Him with a repentant heart and rely on His strength. It is impossible to lay aside the weight of sin without the grace, power and will of God.
God wants us to live a life of abundance and He has fashioned every one of us with a unique fingerprint of purpose for His glory. He doesn’t desire prayers of manipulation to have our desires met with no corresponding obedience to Him. God knows what is best for us. He knows our eternal future. He desires that we do not perish.
For this New Year, we must first examine ourselves to see whether we are truly in the sheepfold of Christ. Let us be honest about the weights and sins that hold us back from truly giving God our full surrender. These weights can be long-standing sinful habits or it could even be the company we keep. It can be the music, podcasts and movies we engross ourselves in or the things we may consider as miniscule such as cursing, gossip, lying, fornication, drunkenness, revelry etc….
Whatever it is, ask the Lord to reveal to you those things which have become stumbling blocks to His perfect will for your life. What are those things that prevent you from being in close and intimate relationship with Him? What are those things that cause you to be disobedient to His commands and prodding?
Let your prayer point be for God to reveal His will for you this year. Allow yourself to change your mind if your will does not correspond with God’s will because when you reject God’s will, you grieve the Holy Spirit and disqualify yourself from His perfect blessings.
Let this year be about God, not about you!
Be intentional about fulfilling only God’s will and I promise you will see major breakthrough, turnaround and victory abound in your life.
Be blessed!