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An Acceptable Sacrifice: Waiting for God’s Signal

Many of us are guilty of offering up unacceptable sacrifices to God. We try to sway God’s favour by presenting what we perceive as honorable to secure His blessing. We lean unto our own understanding time and time again without seeking God’s guidance and patiently awaiting His response.

Indeed, the concept of sacrifice extends far beyond the traditional offerings of animals, food, or material possessions. It encompasses a broader and more profound dimension where we can also offer the sacrifice of ourselves, our bodies, our praise and even our ambitions.

For instance, there are times when we might not be prepared for marriage, yet we choose to sacrifice our ambitions and plans to pursue it, believing it to be for a greater good. In doing so, we may rush into marriage without seeking God’s guidance, under the assumption that it’s an honorable union. We may even cite scriptures like “it is better to marry than to burn” to justify our actions. This can lead to us offering up the sacrifice of marriage to God, assuming that He will accept and bless it simply because it seems like a good thing.

In this process, however, we may have neglected to seek God’s permission and discern His perfect will for our lives. There could be several reasons why this marriage might not align with His divine plan. It may involve fundamental differences in beliefs, the lingering effects of prior fornication, or perhaps one or both parties not being firmly grounded in the Word of God to understand their roles as husband and wife from a godly perspective.

This example illustrates the importance of seeking God’s guidance and discernment in major life decisions. While marriage is a noble institution, it should ideally be entered into with a deep sense of conviction that it aligns with God’s plan for our lives, rather than as a means to avoid guilt or societal pressures. Our understanding of His will should guide our actions, ensuring that our sacrifices and choices truly honor Him and serve our best interests in the long run.

When we are called into God’s Kingdom, our primary responsibility is to willingly offer ourselves as living sacrifices unto Him. In doing so, we grant Him the permission and opportunity to shape us into the individuals He originally designed us to be. God’s divine intention is for us to become His saints—holy and pleasing in His sight. After we have received salvation, God’s next step is to transform us so that we can embody His heavenly will here on earth.

As representatives and ambassadors of Christ, our utmost allegiance is to God and His Kingdom’s work. Everything else in our lives—our children, spouses, friendships, careers, businesses—are meant to complement and enhance our God-given purpose. They are like valuable add-ons to our life’s mission.

This understanding reminds us that we should not offer sacrifices to God that are not aligned with His divine and biblical prescription. Our offerings should flow from a heart devoted to His will, recognizing that our primary role is to fulfill His purposes and be instruments of His love and grace in this world.

In Leviticus 10, we get a good look at the seriousness of offering up sacrifices to God. God holds everyone, including religious leaders, accountable to His divine laws. Even in the time of Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, who served as priests, they were expected to heed and adhere to God’s laws. Failure to do so resulted in dreadful consequences.

Nadab and Abihu offered up a sacrifice using a profane or unauthorized fire which God never commanded them to use. Consequently, their lack of protocol caused them to be consumed by the Consuming Fire – God.

 Leviticus 10:1-3

Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, put fire in them and added incense; and they offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, contrary to his command. So fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord. Moses then said to Aaron, “This is what the Lord spoke of when he said:

“‘Among those who approach me
    I will be proved holy;
in the sight of all the people
    I will be honored.’”

Aaron remained silent.

It’s possible to perceive the actions of Nadab and Abihu as relatively minor when compared to the multitude of offenses humanity can commit against God however, the account of Nadab and Abihu serves as a profound reminder that God possesses the inherent right to dictate the manner of worship offered to Him. Throughout history, God has consistently communicated the specific forms of worship that align with His divine pleasure, as seen in the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4. God welcomed Abel’s sacrifice while rejecting Cain’s, illustrating His authority to determine acceptable and unacceptable worship.

In our pursuit of honoring God and bringing glory to His name, it is imperative that we operate within the boundaries of His authority, as emphasized in Leviticus 10:3. Engaging in actions lacking scriptural authority should be avoided to prevent incurring God’s displeasure. True reverence for God necessitates adhering to His revealed will and refraining from straying into areas where He has not granted us authority. By respecting these divine boundaries, we align ourselves with His holiness and worship Him in a manner that genuinely reflects His divine purpose.

Let us take a look at what God has prescribed from us as believers:

Romans 12:1-2

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Do we ever take the time to test and approve what God’s will is for us before we make decisions? Do we ever take the time to truly offer up ourselves in a manner that is holy and pleasing to Him? When last have we given God a sacrifice that was not tainted with compromise or impure motives? It’s high time we stop dictating to God what we’re willing to offer and start following His formula. God has given us a formula to abide by so that He takes charge of adding the add-ons in our lives. This formula is found in:

Matthew 6:33:

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Our foremost duty is to earnestly seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. It’s only after we commit to this pursuit and maintain it that we become ready for the additional aspects of life—such as relationships, marriages, financial prosperity, children, careers, and more. These blessings are granted to us within the framework of God’s divine guidance, aligning perfectly with His will rather than conflicting with it. This approach ensures that we receive these gifts in harmony with God’s plan, rather than in opposition to it.

When we prioritize seeking God above all else, our life’s journey can be compared to waiting at a red traffic light. At this moment, we are patiently awaiting God’s guidance. However, if we allow our limited human understanding to override our trust in the supernatural power and all-knowing wisdom of God, we may rush past that spiritual traffic light.

In doing so, we risk colliding with the devil’s cunning traps, much like a reckless driver running a red light faces the consequences of accidents, both internal and external. Sometimes, our impatience and disobedience lead to self-inflicted wounds, causing harm to our own purpose and journey. It serves as a poignant reminder that respecting the spiritual signals and divine timing God sets for us is essential to navigate life’s road safely and fulfill our true purpose.

May we submit ourselves to God in total obedience and allow Him to be the GPS of our lives so we do not become disqualified as we run the race for eternal life.

Be blessed!

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