Labelling someone as a fool can oftentimes seem offensive and vile yet God’s Word speaks extensively on the subject matter for our insight and application. According to God’s Word, we are all capable of being a fool in His eyes. The words “fool” and “foolishness” are mentioned over 100 times throughout the Bible.
God’s determination and point of view is truly the only one that matters in this matter. WHY? – Because He is our all-knowing Creator who searches, examines and weighs the motives, thoughts and hearts of men.
A fool is many things but primarily he is one who despises God’s wisdom and instruction because he refuses to be told anything by God on how he should live his life. He is highly opinionated in his ignorance and labours continuously in building his house (i.e. his life) on sinking sand. He gives a higher consideration to his own opinion and plays deaf toward the particular commands in God’s Word that he refuses to keep.
The fool’s creed states “There is no God” and this creed muddies both his thinking and conduct. He might as well provide candid evidence for the creation of the human race. To deny the existence of God is so deeply irrational that the atheist must prove himself to be both all-knowing and Omnipresent to give a rationale for the creation of the heavens, the earth and its inhabitants (all of which he never created). To deny God is the height of foolishness.
Let’s move on to another kind of fool. The one who believes that there is a God but yet refuses to give Him Lordship over his life. I’m not sure which fool grieves God the most at this point. The commands and warnings that God has given for man’s good, he mistakenly thinks it is for God’s. He mingles with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life for his pleasure and convenience while simultaneously calling on God to help him build his house (i.e. his life) on his wavering and disobedient foundation of sin. He has a form of godliness but God does not genuinely dwell within Him.
Matthew 7:24-27
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.
But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
A fool thinks he can get through life and prosper without obeying God. His house is built on fleeting vanities which bear no eternal gain. A fool is a danger to himself and destruction is his sure portion unless he heeds wisdom’s loud and long-suffering calls.
It is obedience to God’s Word that qualifies you to be wise. The person who hears God’s words, warnings, instructions and commands and does not take heed is like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The fool believes that the height of success is built on fame, riches and worldly pleasures. He toils endlessly in self-righteousness for his short-lived will.
The house which represents his life is destined to crumble because its foundation has been deceptively corrupted and compromised. Any foundation other than Jesus Christ will fail when adversity arrives and when you are called up yonder for eternal judgment.
Disobedience is the outright and double-minded rejection of God’s Word. It is illogical to reject the manual of God which has the blueprint for an abundant life for one’s own moral hunch. Proverbs 9:10 says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” A wise man will hear what God is saying and give credence to His infinite wisdom.
The question I would like for us all to ponder on is one that would require some intimate introspection and inspection. Are we fools in God’s eyes or can we be honoured by God as wise? God has advised us to seek wisdom and understanding at all costs for it is better than jewels and it will protect and watch over us and secure unto us a glorious future.
What have we been building our lives on? Are we at risk of having our lives destroyed when the winds of life and judgment blow? We forget easily how sudden and unannounced disaster can strike.
Today would be a good day to repent and rebuild if we can be found guilty of putting human reason above the infinite wisdom of God. The treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ so let us cast out any remnants of unbelief, disobedience and pride that may linger within and cause us to be called a fool by God.
Indeed! If the cap fits, the fool will wear it!