Man became a living being when God breathed the breath of life into Adam’s nostrils. Based on this passage of fact in the Bible, we know that God is indeed the sole giver of life. God did not only give mankind life as he did with the creatures of the land and sea, He gave man something much more extraordinary – His likeness and image. Maybe that’s why the Devil is so embittered by our creation.
There is another characteristic that God embedded in us – free will. Personally, if I was God, I would have shut this whole “free-will” manifesto down a very long time ago. But hey, let’s thank God that He is God alone!
In Genesis 6, we see where mankind’s free will and inclination towards evil troubled God to the point where He regretted making human beings on earth. This was a choice God made and for which He felt immense regret.
Imagine! – God’s heart was deeply troubled!
Genesis 6:5-6
“The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth and his heart was deeply troubled.”
We know all too well, that feeling of regret. That questioning feeling of ‘why’ and ‘how’ when we are disappointed by a loved one or hurt beyond words could explain. Can you imagine how God felt when the creation He created in His own likeness and image for His glory became an image of evil and the Devil who sought to dethrone Him?
The Devil could not dethrone God neither could He become more glorious and powerful than Him, but unfortunately, he garnered a great level of satisfaction in getting mankind to betray God and image his likeness of pride instead. Mankind had corrupted their ways and it seemed like God was about to demolish His plans for mankind for good, until one man’s righteousness found favour with Him.
This passage of Scripture should be enough to convince you that God is merciful and loving, that in spite of his own disappointment and regret, He would always leave the 99 for the 1. Always! Because of Noah’s blamelessness, God in his mercy chose to reset mankind instead of eradicating them from the face of the earth. Had God eradicated mankind in that moment, both you and I would not be here for today.
God spared mankind even though He knew that the conglomerate of free will and sin could not be stamped out because mankind was bound to reproduce its fallen state of sin. In spite of, God chose to show forth His mercy and redemption.
Throughout the Bible we see the emotions of God clearly as there are men and women who God remembered, delivered, loved, found pleasure in and favoured. Once we have the breath of life, we can also choose to find favour in the sight of God. We can also choose to image God instead of imaging His adversary, the Devil. We can freely choose to subject our free will to the blueprint of God for our lives.
The people in Noah’s time had their every inclination towards evil ALL the time. My question to you is what is your heart inclined towards? Matthew 9:4 states “Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, ‘Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?’”
God is not impressed with our religious self-righteousness, rather He wants to be pleased by the way in which we choose to incline our hearts. There is no grey matter, we are either heading in the direction of imaging and glorifying God or in the opposite direction of imaging or glorifying Satan. At no point can we stand in the middle as an innocent bystander. We are always in the process of entertaining and manifesting our thoughts so let’s be wary of entertaining that which is evil and that which brings forth death (i.e. separation from God).
If mankind could have caused God regret in the past, what makes us think we cannot cause Him to regret us now? In our daily lives, it would be wise for us to consider if who we are and/or becoming can cause God to regret creating us.
Imagine creating someone or something for a specific purpose and that purpose never being fulfilled – that creation would be rendered useless or pointless. We were all created through God for God. Our purpose cannot be found within if within us God does not exist. May we therefore be found useful and of great pleasure to the Most High God.
Be blessed!
Check out my newly released book “What Do You Believe?” on Amazon!
Going back to the book of genesis especially in the time of creation will allow us to see the original intent God created us for and how unique we are and precious to Him. We were created for fellowship and dominion