When I was a young girl, I would often find myself absorbed in faraway thoughts while gazing wondrously at reality. I remember staring at trees and the naturalistic scenery of our physical world and wondering if it was truly real. I would often have to pinch myself to remind my brain that my life was indeed real but then I battled with understanding what purpose and position I had in this God-given puzzle called life. Fast forward to now, that season of child-like wonder has passed, and thankfully, I am now in a season of grace and understanding.
I am certain; you have also endured a plethora of wonders and questions and sometimes feel as if there is something unexplainable about your life. You have probably questioned the reality of a deep emptiness or void lying dormant in your soul. Many times, persons can be found drowning themselves in vices or seeking approval in the wrong places in search of a fulfillment they seek but cannot describe. They look for satisfaction and endorsement from others soon to realize that the emptiness is one that cannot be satisfied by anyone or anything natural.
We often forget that our bodies are not only composed of physical matter but rather, we are first spirit above all else. Let us examine one complex duality of human nature as ordained by God –
1. Most of our body’s composition is made up of 60% or more water. Physical water thus sustains the physical man.
2. The Holy Spirit is the fountain of Living Water prescribed to quench the spiritual thirst of the sinful man. Anyone who honestly believes in God will never thirst again for out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water. The Holy Spirit thus sustains the spiritual man.
In the physical, if we do not drink water, we get thirsty and if prolonged, dehydrated. If we endure thirst long enough in the physical, we will die. In the spiritual, if we do not drink of God’s Living Water (the Holy Spirit), we will endure a lifelong thirst that can also lead us to our own death-bound demise. We must always be cognizant of the fact that our physical always manifests what is taking place in the spiritual. Why then do we continue to thirst spiritually and look to be quenched in things such as relationships, drugs, sex, education, and even our careers? Why do we continue to look for a quenching on the outside of us rather than on the inside?
As different as we all are in purpose, talent and features, we are all alike in our makeup of Body and Spirit. Our empty places may manifest itself differently based on our circumstances but indeed, we all bear the heaviness of an empty soul at some point in our lives. For some it may be feelings of worthlessness and depression, for others, they may feel unaccomplished, hopeless and bitter. Some persons may feel as if their lives are a magnet for pressure and grief while others may feel as if their lives lack purpose and favour.
Take comfort in knowing that all these places of void and baffling wonder are all open and empty places which God has offered to fill. He has offered himself as the Drink for all who are thirsty and his Holy Spirit as the source of Living Water to quench your soul.
We make it our daily practice to drink water; why not make it our daily practice to refresh and replenish our souls.
SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 2:13 – “For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.”