Quote: Nothing compares with getting to know the God who knows us! – David Jeremiah
Life as we know it can be challenging and we often must juggle between our busyness and the business of God. We must take time however to ensure that we get to know the characteristics and dimensions of our Lord. Many of us love to boast about the religious rituals we follow, and we often profess our love for God in a very generalized and abstract way. However, it is impossible to love a God with whom we have no relationship with.
God is not a being that we serve in principle or an identity theory that we can conclude. He is a living and relational being and in Him there are three distinct persons (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) with whom we are to have an intimate relationship with.
We invest time, money, effort and our resources in getting to know our friends, spouses and even our business associates. On social media, we follow the lives of persons we admire, and we read books and listen to the podcasts of those who inspire us. Why do we feel as if we are entitled to just know God by way of a few prayers and momentary bible study? How can we testify to loving the identity of someone we do not even know? Have you searched for God without fail desperate to find and experience Him or are you satisfied with hearing the testimonies of others who were graced to have an encounter with Him?
Your success or failure at having a relationship with God depends solely upon what you think of Him. Do you really know who God is or do you know what people say He is? If we don’t truly know God, we are likely to create a God of our own fancy that is convenient to the self-will of our hearts.
Mankind has debated the truthfulness and authenticity of the Bible for centuries claiming that it must be skewed because it was written by man. It’s ironic that we wholeheartedly believe scientists but question anything inspired by God. Someone’s inability to have an encounter with the Holy Spirit does not make His existence any less true. It is impossible for a critic who lives in His flesh to understand what God can do.
God has given us His Scriptures as a common reference upon which we can get to know Him. It gives us not only instructions and prophecies but clear indications of the nature of God and the patterns, principles and dimensions within. Knowledge of God does not come by natural means and consequently, you cannot gain access to the spiritual realm with your intellect. You must search for God by faith in spirit and in truth. Once you have committed yourself to doing this, He will manifest Himself unto you.
In the book “The Attributes of God”, A.W. Tozer wrote “Christianity is decaying and going down into the gutter because the god of modern Christianity is not the God of the Bible”. He went on to say that “we pray to a god short of what he ought to be” and reminded his readers that Christianity is supposed to be a gateway into God and His infinite experiences.
If you want to experience God’s glory, lay yourself bare in humility at His throne. Let us not be guilty of having a form of godliness while denying the power of the Holy Spirit within. The only thing we can do for God is give him our unadulterated praise and obedience and allow Him to do His transforming work, so we are no longer slaves to sin.
Psalms 14:1-2
Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!
The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race;
he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God.
Luke 10:22
“My Father has entrusted everything to me. No one truly knows the Son except the Father, and no one truly knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”