We are the captains of our minds and souls, and we steer its ships to the harbours of our choosing! No human being gets away from this specific calling – the navigation of our free will. We often seek direction from God when we are steering our minds through the rough seas of life, however, as human nature would have it, we find comfort in our own navigational system when the seas are calm, and the sail is effortless. Nonetheless, whether we are in a storm or leisurely at sea, we are all found sailing towards what we believe is our calling.
The Word of God is not just a tool of revelation and illumination. It is also meant to be the GPS system that works in tandem with the Holy Spirit to help navigate us to the harbour of God’s calling. Many persons want to exercise their free will in sailing towards a harbour of their own choosing not knowing that any harbour where God is not resident will lead them to their own demise. If we ponder on this fact, we would be sure to remind ourselves that every day gifted to us should be lived to the fullest as God has uniquely prescribed it. To be a vessel of God at any moment in time is an honour and what better way to honour God than by steering the ships of our hearts and minds to the harbour of Him. To glorify God is our assignment and so when we have docked into His glory, we are then sanctified and equipped to glorify him through our uniquely assigned talents and abilities. Understanding that our time on earth is fleeting, we are then better prepared and armoured to
accomplish all that we were created to fulfil.
We are always seeking to find out what our highest calling is as if there was something outside of the parameters of God for us to achieve. Outside of God, we will always be another void vessel filled with yearning and every earthly achievement and feeling of fulfilment would be temporal and its delight never lasting. I can assure you that the same God who brought order and fulfilment to the earth when it was void and without form, is the same God who desires to bring order and fulfillment to your life and soul.
If you’ve been sailing through life and you’ve lost direction, there is hope. If you are fed up with docking into the harbours of no fulfillment or maybe the rough seas have tossed you over and you are left holding on to a life raft hoping for rescue, there is hope. To reach God, you do not need Wifi or technology. He is the source and creator of instantaneous communication and there is no boundary to his love. Prayer has the power to change the sail of your ship immediately and to calm the storms of travail in your life. Steer your ship through prayer to God and let his harbour be the one for your continuous choosing.
SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 12 : 13-14
“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”
PRAYER: Dear Lord, help us to steer our lives towards your harbour whether our lives are facing a storm or cruising. Increase our faith and help us to sail the ships of hearts and minds in the direction of the winds of your wisdom and grace.