The God who fashioned the heavens and the earth is our Supreme Instructor. He instructed His own triune being to bring forth the wonders of heaven, earth, and humanity. As the architect of all existence, He imparts instruction to us in accordance with His intended purpose for heaven, earth and our being.

Consider the chaos that would ensue if you observed a toddler attempting to guide and instruct their own parent on life. The idea of a toddler assuming the role of the parent and vice versa is not only unrealistic but also delusional. Surprisingly, this parallel mirrors how humanity often tries to position itself in relation to God—attempting to redefine God’s instructions to suit our own narratives, presuming to dictate both our identity and His.

In the creation narrative, following God’s self-instruction to bring forth light, heaven, earth, seas, flora, fauna, light bearers (sun, moon, stars), aquatic life, birds, and land animals (livestock, crawling creatures, cattle, wild animals), God fashioned man in His own image and likeness. To humanity, He bestowed the same gift He had given Himself—an instruction (i.e. His Word).

Genesis 2:16-17 (NIV):

“And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

To the best of our knowledge, Adam and Eve were created with their mental and spiritual capacities fully intact. Their disobedience to God’s instruction did not stem from any mental illness or demon possession; rather, it arose from the conscious choice to lend their mental faculties to an alternative voice, distinct from God’s. Eve heeded the deception of Satan, while Adam followed the instruction of Eve. What I can therefore emphasize to you, my dear readers, is to exercise caution in choosing whom you listen to with the faculties and senses bestowed upon you by God.

If you profess to be in a relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and you haven’t received any specific instructions that challenge your self-perception, it’s daring to suggest that you may not have truly encountered the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Even in becoming a child of God, the instruction is clear—to accept, follow and obey His Son who is the Way, Truth, and Life.

Let’s delve into the historical context of how heavenly directives were transmitted in biblical times and explore the diverse outcomes and insights which resulted from man’s obedience and disobedience.

In Genesis 6, God instructs Noah to construct an ark using cypress wood, providing precise measurements and detailed instructions. The Bible emphasizes that Noah adhered meticulously to God’s commands, executing every aspect as directed. This illustrates that Noah didn’t partially follow God’s instructions but rather carried them out exactly as specified. Noah obeyed the voice of God without question and he did not listen to the voices of any naysayers or the enemy.

Noah’s unwavering obedience resulted not only in his personal deliverance from the flood but also ensured the safety of his wife, three sons, and their wives. This underscores a crucial truth: your obedience has the power to rescue not only yourself from impending danger but also future generations in your lineage.

Notably, when God issues an instruction to build, He provides a comprehensive building plan. In the context of building, especially when God issues specific instructions, a consistent pattern emerges. God is meticulous about specifying measurements, materials, furnishings, appointed builders, workmanship, and the holiness and disposition of those involved. We see this evident in Solomon’s temple and the Ark of the Covenant.

 It’s crucial to understand that God doesn’t call for haphazard construction, even when it involves building the temple of oneself, where He is meant to dwell. We are summoned to be a particular people, distinctly set apart and consecrated to Him, adhering to His precise guidelines and requirements.

While the invitation is to come as you are, it is essential to recognize that God will undoubtedly instruct and guide you to build yourself into a new creation—a person who is precious and compatible with Him.

In Numbers 20, Moses finds himself amidst an ungrateful Israelite community who reproach him for leading them out of Egypt. In response to their need for water, Moses and Aaron are specifically instructed by God to speak to a designated rock before the people, causing it to release water for the community and their livestock to drink. Moses however, becomes deeply influenced by his emotions and consequently, he deviates from God’s precise command. Instead of speaking to the rock, he strikes it twice with his staff. Although water does flow, the Lord sharply rebukes Moses for not trusting Him enough to reverence Him in the eyes of the Israelites. Despite Moses’ valid frustration with the ungrateful attitude of the Israelites, he faces severe consequences – he is prohibited from leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.

This narrative serves as a powerful lesson, highlighting that even when we believe we are justified and have the right to express our grievances in defence of God’s grace, we must prioritize honouring God and adhering to His instructions in spite of how we may feel. The people’s rebellion is evident, but Moses’ disobedience is also rebellion against God and His intended purpose of the given instruction. It underscores the paramount importance of submitting to God’s guidance, even in moments of righteous indignation, recognizing that honouring and obeying God must prevail above all else.

We must acknowledge the profound fortune of living in this era of grace. In contrast to Adam and Eve, who only had God’s voice, we now enjoy much more. Alongside God’s voice, His written Word serves as a comprehensive guide and blueprint for the Christian life. With Jesus Christ as our Mediator and the Holy Spirit as our Intercessor, we should not emulate the ungrateful Israelites by forsaking or taking for granted our redemption through the blood of the Lamb. This blood has granted us the privilege of attaining a righteous standing with God.

Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV) says:

“Forget the former things;
 do not dwell on the past.
 See, I am doing a new thing!
 Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
 and streams in the wasteland.”

Dear readers, our God is ever-changing and yet, His ways remain constant—yesterday, today, and forever. It’s a mystery that continues to elude our understanding. When He imparts heavenly directives, rest assured that He is orchestrating something new—a new YOU, a fresh circumstance, a different season, a novel dispensation or a new beginning. He is the master artisan of creating something from nothing and the first thing He introduces into darkness is His incomprehensible light. We are confident that when we approach God with our own sin fashioned darkness or the darkness of our circumstance, His light will expose it and cause it to be separate.

Approaching God with reverence, we acknowledge Him as our Creator and Lord. Without the knowledge from our Creator, understanding our true identity and purpose becomes elusive. Just as a toddler cannot instruct or guide their parent, it would be delusional for us to attempt to inform or guide God. In colloquial terms, we are reminded to “know our place.”

Can you not perceive it? Don’t you long for your crooked paths to be made straight, and your rough ways smooth?  When will we relinquish the futile attempt to control our circumstances and ourselves? Haven’t we witnessed the enduring consequences of mankind’s disobedience? When will we walk by the spirit adhering effortlessly to God’s heavenly directives?

Personally, I find myself inclined to embrace instruction from above over the instructions made up by man. My earnest plea is quite straightforward: You’ve given life a shot following human ways. What if you now consider trying it God’s way? Embrace His heavenly directives without compromise, and I assure you, your chaos will evolve into a powerful message, your challenges will metamorphose into testimonies, and every barren wasteland in your life, will witness a flow of streams as you enter the Holy of Holies.

Be blessed!

Explore my newest book, “What Do You Believe: Spiritual Contemplations for One’s Soul,” available on Amazon or email me at for local delivery in Trinidad and Tobago.

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