Decision making, an inherent aspect of human nature, plays a crucial role in our lives. Built into the very fabric of our soul, our mind, will, and emotions empower us with the incredible ability to choose freely, oscillating between obedience and disobedience of God’s Word. Free will, often perceived as a divine blessing, brings immense joy when our choices align favourably with our circumstances. However, it can also feel like a genuine curse when our decisions result in unfortunate outcomes.
Throughout the Old and New Testaments, we witness God’s emphasis on separation through His commanded and enforced laws. The concept of not mixing things that were intended to remain separate is evident in various biblical passages. Israel, as the chosen nation of God, was governed by numerous stringent laws of separation, including the prohibition of intermarriage with foreign nations to avoid defilement.
As born-again believers, we are called to be a royal priesthood and a chosen generation, uniquely set apart for the glorious Excellency of God who through His Son rescued us from darkness into His marvellous light.
1 Peter 2:9-10
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
In the current era, we observe a prevalent and widely accepted blending of Christian and secular values, and this often translates into a lifestyle that presents a distorted image of Christ. The systems and ideologies of the world have stealthily infiltrated the church, resulting in the diminishing and flickering of our lights as Christians. Like a flickering light bulb on the verge of extinguishing, our Godly illumination has faltered and the integrity of our Christian witness has been compromised. Thankfully, there is reprieve available for us through genuine repentance.
We are devoted to the supreme source of light, and His divine illumination remains constant and unwavering. God’s light never flickers or goes ‘cold turkey’. Our allegiance is to the Alpha and Omega whose presence descends upon us like lightning and a flashing fire, illumined with the radiance of His matchless glory. It is impossible for any mortal to gaze upon His countenance, as His appearance invokes both overwhelming fear and profound reverence. This is because in His being, there exists no trace of darkness whatsoever.
God is merciful but He has cautioned us against grieving the Holy Spirit. When God turns His face towards us, we encounter the brilliance of His love, mercy and grace. Conversely, when He turns His face away from us, He withdraws His presence and we are enveloped in darkness face to face with spiritual death.
As believers, it is perilous to live in a lukewarm state, for God explicitly warns that He will spit out those who waver in their belief and obedience. It is crucial to make a resolute decision to be either passionately devoted or completely disengaged, rather than merely exhibiting a facade of godliness. God sees the nakedness of our hearts no matter how much we dress it up with being “good” persons and external acts such as prayer, fasting, mindfulness, church attendance, charity, and the list goes on.
We are tasked with the responsibility of making a daily choice to obey and serve Christ, and the key to making the correct decision lies in the continuous renewal of our minds through the study of God’s Word. There is truly no alternative or shortcut to this process. It is crucial to understand that only those who are born again and in relationship with Christ will experience eternal life. Additionally, it is only our actions and endeavours for Christ that will last and have everlasting significance.
Let’s explore two Scriptures:
Deuteronomy 22:9
You shall not sow your vineyard with two kinds of seed, lest the whole yield be forfeited, the crop that you have sown and the yield of the vineyard.
Matthew 13:24-30
He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”
The perfect will of God is to sow His light-bearers into the vineyard of this world whereby we are pruned and fertilized by His Word, enabling us to yield the bountiful harvest of His divine illumination. His light symbolizes His profound wisdom and knowledge, magnificent glory, boundless love, unmatched power and perfect will. As the people of the world observe this radiant vineyard, it should evoke a compelling urge within them to flee from their own darkness. However, if they encounter a vineyard of flickering lights, their response may range from caution, fear, confusion, or disinterest.
God’s ultimate desire is for us to embody His light and reflect His image. Therefore, it is essential that we avoid being intertwined with the seeds of darkness, as they originate from Satan, the prince of this world.
God, understanding our susceptibility to sin and the cunning strategies employed by Satan, acknowledges that His servants are inclined to intertwine with seeds that are not of their kind in the vineyard. When we make the decision to disregard God’s commands and indulge in sinful actions, we discover ourselves in a compromised setting where both weeds and wheats coexist. This unfortunate situation arises as a result of granting Satan the access and authority to surreptitiously sow weeds. At times, we become so consumed by our own self-centeredness that we fail to recognize Satan entering our hearts through unguarded entrances.
The integrity of our harvest becomes compromised because removing the weeds would inevitably disrupt and damage the roots of the wheat. Premature uprooting could result in the demise of the entire crop. As a result, we are obliged to undergo the pruning and cultivating of our souls while contending with the presence of sin, evil, curses, strongholds, demonic activity, unclean spirits, and supernatural hindrances. These factors frequently lead to circumstances of pain, sorrow, frustration, failure, delay, sickness, and various other challenges.
Despite life’s imperfections, we stand firm under the authority of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, refusing to surrender and succumb to defeat. Just as the weeds can exert their influence, we too as the wheat possess the ability to have a profound influence on them. The power of God that lies within us is greater than the defeated one who deceives them. Recognizing that light swallows up darkness, we consciously and spiritually refrain from forging alliances and friendships with the weeds thereby preventing them from attaching themselves to us or entangling us in their corruption. Instead, we grow alongside them resolutely resisting their attempts to attach, contaminate, corrupt, pervert or partner with us.
As we journey alongside the weeds, we diligently arm ourselves with the full armour of God, placing our trust in Him as our chief commander, guiding our every offensive and defensive move. Embracing God’s nurturing and cultivation, we willingly submit to His transformative work, allowing Him to unveil our identity as new creations and the immense power bestowed upon us as co-heirs with Christ.
During the harvest, God will separate the weeds (symbolizing the children of Satan) from the wheat (symbolizing the children of God). The weeds will be burned, while the wheat will be gathered into God’s heavenly storehouse. However, our calling as God’s children extends beyond passive profession; we are actively tasked to live in the world without succumbing to its influences. This requires crucifying our flesh, walking in the spirit, and allowing God to equip us as new creations with supernatural weapons for spiritual warfare and a protective covering to resist the temptations of sin. Both God and Satan play a role in tending to their respective domains within the vineyard. If we fail to resist sin, it can gradually gain a stronghold in our lives, overpowering us with its nature.
As believers, if we allow the Holy Spirit to dwell within us alongside another spirit that opposes Christ, it will inevitably hinder and corrupt the work of God within us. The mixture of two conflicting spirits without eliminating the wrong one will only lead to the corruption of the good one. Hence, it is crucial for us to purposefully choose to stand beside the weeds, without becoming entangled, corrupted, or perverted by their influence.
Take a moment to engage in profound self-reflection: If God were to appear today, would He find your lifestyle, mindset, character, and motives distinct from the prevailing influences of this world? Or would you be found seamlessly conforming and blending in, merely mirroring the world around you?
Let us not settle for our own introspection alone. In this moment, let us humbly invite God to search the depths of our hearts and reveal the true nature of our being. Ask Him to shed light on any areas where we may have unknowingly compromised our faith or succumbed to the allure of worldly values.
I hope this blesses you!
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