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Have you ever gotten locked out of your home and had to endure the anxiety of searching for your keys or paying for a locksmith? Or have you ever experienced the inconvenience, loss and emotional distress brought about by having your home or business place broken into? Incidents such as these can be quite maddening and stressful, and they often urge us to consider putting security systems in place or the implementation of an emergency plan.

We rationalize our safety in the physical but how often do we ponder on what secure system or infrastructure we have in place for our souls. How many of us are truly certain that we are safe and secure in Jesus Christ? We go out of our way to spend tons of money protecting our bodies and possessions, but we often neglect the safeguarding of our souls.

Satan has a way of cloaking security and safety into wealth, achievements, possessions and even relationships in this world. The more we have and the more we achieve gives us an illusion of protection, but we must be reminded that the world’s standards of safety are never secure.

As Christians, we are encouraged to go through God’s only access point, the door of Jesus Christ in order to access salvation and eternal life. As we go in and out of His pasture, God cautions us to put on His whole armour and stand guard with Jesus as the only doorkeeper of our souls.

Would you put a cheap or faulty door on a high value building? I think not. Further to this, would you hire a thief or a murderer to guard your home and have access to it? Don’t you know that sin is an imposter crouching at your doors 24/7. Be certain, the Devil has only one mandate – to break in to kill, steal and destroy. Sometimes, we ourselves in our ignorance leave our doors wide open for the enemy to come in and take refuge in our bodies having no regard that it is God’s dwelling place. Despite this, Jesus assures us that He knows His sheep and He is always available and ready to step in and protect us if we allow Him.

As believers, we have a particular comfort and peace of mind with Jesus Christ as our DOORKEEPER and entry in and out of His pasture. Nonetheless, we should never take His presence for granted. In this world, we implement cameras, dogs, bodyguards, burglar proof and lock systems to try to keep imposters out but in the Spirit, all those things are useless.

We are engaged in warfare with an enemy we cannot see. The Bible warns us that the Devil attacks in clever ways and so, we need to be girded up and strong. Let us trust in the One who sees all and knows all. While some trust in chariots and horses, we will forever remember the name of the Lord our God.

Let us STAND strongly with Jesus as our doorkeeper and our door!


John 10:9

 I am the door: by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

Ephesians 6:13

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Genesis 4:7

“If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.”

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