As children of God, our declarations are powerful because they are made up of the same substance God uses to create – WORDS.
Words carry the substance of God’s spiritual power and are the creative force behind the creation and preservation of the visible and invisible realms.
In Genesis chapter 1, we see that every variant of creation was manifested visibly when God declared – “Let there be…”
It is imperative that we begin to speak what God has declared for our lives with boldness, faith and courage. To do this we must be spiritually equipped with the knowledge and understanding of God’s two-fold formula:
1. “It is written”
2. “The Word became flesh”
Before I breakdown the intricacies of this formula, let’s meditate on this Scripture:
Hebrews 11:3
“By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.”
It’s conclusive that God has a knack for using the unseen to create the seen. Even our thoughts remain invisible until we manifest it into words or deeds. We ought to therefore be mindful of the unseen spiritual gas we fill into our seen fleshly vehicles. The gas tanks of our vehicles are our souls and the soul is what both God and Satan desire from us.
1. “It is Written”
This is a formula we can use in faith to attack the lies of the enemy and activate all of God’s promises for our lives.
We know that the Scriptures were given to us as a roadmap for our lives as it contains the promises, prophecies and principles of God. When we meditate on Scripture, we must not lean on our own understanding but allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to us what He is saying. We must personalize the Scriptures and approach it with spiritual eyes and ears.
The Bible is a spiritual book and so it can only be understood spiritually with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth and without him, we cannot understand the Bible. There is absolutely no power or merit in reading and interpreting the Bible intellectually with head knowledge.
When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert after His 40 day fast, we see where God declared what was written to Satan’s every foul assertion.
Let’s examine a declaration made by David:
Psalms 27:13
“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”
This is a declaration we should have at the tips of our tongues daily. We should all have the desire to see the goodness of the Lord while we are alive. God’s goodness serves as our living testimony.
What has been written to back this declaration up in the Scriptures?
“It is written” in Psalms 84:11:
“For the Lord God is a sun and shield, the Lord bestows favour and honour. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.”
So by knowing what is written, we know that once we walk uprightly there is no good thing that God would withhold from us and we can confidently declare like David that we will see the goodness of the Lord while we are alive.
This is how we personalize what God has written and declare what is written by faith.
To declare what is written we must first know what is written. Many Christians suffer from spiritual inertia when it comes to studying and meditating on Scripture but it is the Scriptures that were given by the inspiration of God for our doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction.
What is written in Scripture goes hand in hand with Point #2. Let’s explore this further.
2. “The Word became flesh”
It is not enough to just quote scripture because the scripture without the “Word” is dead. The “Word” is Jesus Christ and the scriptures are what testify of Him and lead us to Him. Once we have been led, we receive Him as the ultimate authority over our lives.
The authority of Jesus in our lives allows the Holy Spirit to power up and illuminate the written words of the Bible by spiritually writing them on our hearts with revelation and understanding. It is the Holy Spirit that acts as both the revealer and performer of the Word i.e. Jesus Christ.
Think of it this way – Can your phone work without being charged? Well the Scriptures cannot produce any results unless it has been charged up by the Holy Spirit because it is the Spirit of Christ that gives life.
Genuine believers have the Holy Spirit resident within them and He quickens the Scriptures with His power and speaks so that we can declare what He has said to come to pass.
Let’s explore 2 Corinthians 3:2-3
“You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.”
The words we speak must be founded on our personal revelation of Jesus Christ in our hearts. The Letter of the Scriptures cannot be enforced without the Spirit of the Living God. It is the Spirit that gives life. It is the Spirit that reveals what God is saying in the Scriptures. It is the Spirit that reveals what is hidden. It is the Spirit that gives power to the words that are written. It is the Spirit that speaks.
We can therefore only make declarations of what is written after the Word has been made flesh in our hearts.
John 1:1-4
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”
If Jesus is the Word and everything is made through Him, then it is He who will make the words written in the Scriptures come to pass. In Him there is life and so every word He speaks is Spirit and life.
To change your circumstance, you must endure the quickening of the Holy Spirit and come into alignment with that which He reveals. God is obligated to fulfil what he has spoken to you and written in your heart once you BELIEVE. This is where the spiritual currency of faith must be transacted because the basis of faith is an encounter with something God has said.
Isaiah 55:11
“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
What have you been declaring in your life and circumstance?
From today, allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Scriptures and write His Word in your heart so that you can declare what He has spoken to you with confidence knowing that He who promised is sure and faithful to His Word.
Be blessed!
Amen John 6:63 Jesus said that His words are spirit and life
Declaring life is declaring the Word of God, good read