Prayer is not just about merely asking God for what you want or asking for His divine protection in the intervals of one’s convenience.
Prayer is a spiritual weapon for the believer. It is the ladder that the Christian believer uses to ascend into God’s presence and the ladder that God uses to descend and establish His Word into our spirits, circumstances and well-being.
Prayer is God’s commodity of a Yes, No or Wait.
Prayer is how we acknowledge God’s providential authority on heaven and earth.
Prayer is how we authorize Jesus Christ to spiritually transact on our behalf as our Mediator in the seen and unseen realms.
Prayer is not only about making petitions for our desires and requests but also aligning our desires and requests to a heart posture that is submitted to God’s sovereign will and way.
Prayer gives us the means for confession; confessing our sins and iniquities before a God who is just and able to forgive. We have access to God’s grace and mercy by the Blood of the Lamb.
Prayers creates a spiritual space, arena, hub or facility for us to give reverence to our Creator and Masterful King.
Prayer activates heavenly satellites to locate, intercept, intervene and interfere in our earthly circumstances.
Prayer allows us to sound alarms and signal battalions of spiritual and angelic armed forces for war on our behalf.
Prayer stirs up and heightens our spiritual senses to see, hear, smell, speak and touch that which is unseen in the spiritual realm.
Prayer allows the Holy Spirit to autopilot the direction of our lives through blind spots and spiritual turbulence.
Prayer positions us for victory over Satan with godly wisdom. We gain access to His data centre of supernatural principles and strategies through prayer.
Prayer builds up and edifies our spirit man making it more responsive to the zoe life of God and the mind of Christ.
Prayer allows the spirit of God to be imparted unto man with His consuming power and anointing.
Prayer allows us to sow seeds in the present for bountiful harvests in the future.
Prayer gives us access to God’s ear and allows God to speak to us with a heavenly vantage point on earthly things.
Prayer heightens our discernment so we can hear God’s instructions and warnings clearly knowing and understanding things in our spirits.
Prayer acts as a sniper against warlocks and witches and it allows us to put on the whole armour of God for offense and defense in a struggle against principalities and powers.
Prayer is how the believer spends time with their closest companion and protector.
Prayer is a catalyst for one’s spiritual transformation as a new creation.
Prayer allows us to build spiritual intimacy as a child of God with our Heavenly Father.
Prayer allows us to ask so we shall receive in the name of Jesus.
Prayer is a doorway for miracles and an open heaven in our life and the lives of others.
Prayer allows us to intercede on behalf of others and channel their specific concerns and needs before God.
Prayer allows us to respond to God and His Word. Prayer allows us to have dialogue with God and open supernatural portals.
Prayer gives us the efficacy of deliverance from all forms of spiritual bondage and allows us the privilege of the freedom of Christ.
Prayer is how the believer cries out to God for divine intervention in the midst of earthly turmoil, emergencies and spiritual bombshells.
Prayer is a gateway to hear from God and to commune and fellowship with God’s presence in the Holy of Holies.
Prayer allows us to build up our faith and to communicate with God in heavenly utterances that only He can understand.
Prayer allows us to whisper our most innermost secrets and needs to a God who will cover us and not expose us; to a God who will prosper us and not harm us.
Prayer humbles us and positions us as servants before the King of Kings.
Prayer gives us access to spiritual resources and favour for our prosperity and the furtherance of God’s agenda.
Prayer keeps us accountable for our stewardship of God’s resources and purposes on earth.
Prayer gives us access to make appeals in the Courts of Heaven and gives us relationship with Christ who stands as our Sovereign Defender against the accusations of Satan.
Prayer gives us the utterance of thanksgiving to a God we cannot measure. He is unmeasurable, unfathomable and indescribable and so we cannot find enough words to express just how beautiful and merciful He is and yet He accepts our prayers.
Prayer allows us to cast down imaginations and every high thing that seeks to exalt itself against the knowledge of God.
Prayer allows us to bring our thoughts into the captive obedience of Christ.
Prayer allows us through our free will to give God an all-inclusive, all access pass to our lives so He can re-arrange it to His will and His way so it can glorify Him.
Prayer is not collapsing God into a man-made genie so our wishes can come true on the fancy of a whim.
Prayer is not a means of attempting to force God’s hand with ultimatums so that if we don’t get what we ask of Him, He won’t hear from us again.
Prayer is not magic and ought not to be done out of mockery or in vain.
Prayer is not a means to show off that we can pray or utter in heavenly languages for recognition from men.
Prayer is not a temporary fix but rather a lifestyle one incorporates into their worship.
Prayer is not to be mixed into traditional or new age practices that equate to witchcraft. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked.
Prayer ought to be done without ceasing before a God who never ceases to amaze us.
Prayer ought not to be prayed amiss on our pleasures and selfish conveniences, but our motives should be self-examined when we go to God in prayer.
Prayer is not a ritual that preserves you from judgment or a means to manipulate God for your own ends.
Prayer is not an agenda to provoke, test or tempt God in a spirit of rebellion as one ought to have the fear of God at all times in their heart.
Prayer ought to be backed up by our holy and righteous lifestyles and we ought to be mindful and watchful of the things that can block our prayers from being heard.
Last but not least: Do not be deceived – Prayer is not a tool to cover and bless you in your willingness and pre-conceived ambition to do the wrong thing; to do that which God has commanded you not to do and that which grieves and/or blasphemes the Holy Spirit.
You only have access to God’s ear through Jesus Christ – He is the way, truth and life. There is no other access point but through Him.
God bless!
Jeremiah 33:3 (AMP):
‘‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’’